Fears. We all have them. It’s a natural part of being human. Anyone who says they fear nothing is delusional or a liar. Fear is very real. It does not matter how big or small I think a fear is; if it is big for someone, then it’s big. Overcoming fear is inspiring.
When I was young, I would jump off cliffs into water that were 20-30 feet high. As I got older, a fear crept in about heights and falling. I needed to do something about it. For me, I went to the local rock-climbing gym where I was attached to a rope and started climbing. It was not fun! The fear of falling was real. Over time, I was able to climb higher and higher, taking more risk that could lead to a potential fall. People watched me, encouraged me, and gained a sense of confidence from my actions.
I read a quote recently and jotted it down but forgot where I read it – “The most inspiring person is one overcoming their fears, not the one who is excellent at what they do.”
There were far better climbers than me. There still are. Taking a step to overcome a fear you have can inspire someone else. What step will you take today or this week to overcome a fear. Leave a note in the comments section or message me.