I know you’re not looking to amass a great empire and neither am I; at least not in the technical sense. However, I do think we are trying to better our life and the lives of our family members. That’s good. We have a deep sense of care and concern for the health, wealth, and well-being of those we love.
What about at work? Do you have a similar concern for those you lead and serve? Are you as concerned for their health, wealth, and well-being? From here I could inquire about how you involve yourself in their health and growing their wealth and opportunities for self-care. Maybe that’s another post, for another day.
Today, the question has more to do with what it means to ‘Rule over yourself’. In other words, are you leading yourself well? Self-leadership is important for all people. For me, Self-leadership means pursuing your best self for the benefit of those you love, lead, and serve.
Whether you desire a ‘great empire’ or not; life always starts with you and your outlook. You need a place to lead from; whether in your workplace, your home or organizations you are involved with… so start with yourself. Lead yourself. Rule over yourself.
#selfleadership #resilience #discernment