Thoughts, words, and actions are in sync with each other for every human, unless you’re a liar and manipulator.
On October 20, 2019, I read out of the Bible, Proverbs 12.5-7, which says: The plans of the godly are just; the advice of the wicked is treacherous. The words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush, but the words of the godly save lives. The wicked die and disappear, but the family of the godly stands firm.

It is interesting to me the progression here from thoughts to words, to actions. “The plans…” of a person come out of our thoughts. The thoughts over time become “The words” we use when speaking to others, which leads to the way we behave by giving life or death to those around us.
From my personal journal, I wrote:
What I think and say has a huge impact on myself and others. I can lift others up or tear them down, fill them with hope or fear, encourage or discourage, offer life or death. I want to be the type of man who encourages, offers life and hope and points people to Jesus. My life should be in sync with my words, which come out of my thoughts. The life I choose will offer hope, encouragement, and life.
I share that as a reminder to me, but also a challenge to you. As we are still under the stay-at-home order our life is different. We are around our spouse, kids, roommates, loved ones a lot of the day. The thoughts you have about those around you will come out as words and behavior.
So, the question then is whether you will choose thoughts of hope and encouragement and building memories… Or will you choose thoughts of fear, anger, and resentment which will also build lasting memories?

Our thoughts become the words we use which become the behavior we extend towards others.