In the springtime we love to get our garden put in. the garden means new growth is just around the corner. The plants for our garden start to grow indoors, since winter lasts quite a while here. The growth of our plants always gets me thinking about the garden of my mind. Whatever I plant and tend in my physical garden, is what will grow and that is the fruit that will be produced. If I plant a tomato, I will get tomatoes. Plant carrots, then carrots. That’s how it works.
Fruit is the reason we plant a garden. Sure, the plants look nice, but what we want is the fruit. Enjoy the process, watch the plants grow, but… it’s the fruit that I wait for. I want to enjoy the strawberries, tomatoes, and yes, even the kale..

‘Fruit’ is what we want out of life too. We plant seeds in our life because of the fruit that
could come. If we plant good seeds of serving others with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness etc. then we will harvest those things as a natural reciprocation in our life. The opposite is also true, that if we plant anger, hate, anxiety, panic, and chaos then we will harvest these.
So, if I am anxious, then I will produce concern, restlessness and mistrust as my fruit. If I am joyful, then I will produce cheer, elation, and fun-loving fruit. No one else controls my emotions. They are mine. I have to accept Ownership for what I produce.

As we come to the end of this year, take some time to look through the garden of your mind. Reflect on who you are and whether that is the ‘You’, that you want to be.
Over the past few months:
- Have you planted love or hate?
- Have you given off a sense of anxiety or confidence?
- Are you living with a sense of patience or fear?
Our world is constantly in flux. But that doesn’t mean you have to be…
If you’re reading this, you are probably leading in some capacity. Leading yourself is of first importance. Self-leadership is key. Take Ownership (absolute accountability) for your mind today. Is there anything you don’t want to growing? Get rid of it and plant something else.

Plant the garden you want today. Tend to your mind regularly. Create the habit of thinking you want. Our minds have to be cultivated, weeds have to be removed so we can allow the fruit we want to enjoy to grow. What action will you take?
Great article! I’ve been making myself get out in the forest daily during this season to keep myself “fresh” and plant some seeds for future well-being!
Nice. Thanks for sharing! It’s maple syrup season here in the Northland so I am out checking buckets a couple of times a day. It is helpful to get out and allow our minds to breathe and grow.