
Adventure Retreats

You’ve built a life, a business, a career that has you working long hours.  You work hard.  Most of the time, you don’t mind it… But you wonder, “When will it change? When will I feel a sense of accomplishment? When do I get to enjoy the work I’ve put in?”

You want a life of Freedom… freedom to do what you want, when you want, how you want. To live as you please.

At least that’s what you’ve been told.

What if I told you that’s not the freedom you want.

There is a better freedom and it will require something from you that goes beyond the office, the business,  and the responsibilities of life. This freedom is called – Eleutheria which means: Live as you should, not as you please.

Live as you should is a life of purpose and meaning.  Some benefits of this life include living with a broader sense of purpose and pursuing your best self for the benefit of those you love, lead, and serve.

The Eleutheria life is challenging.  You’ve got to want to break free from the “live as you please” mentality.  It’s time for a reset. Are you ready?

As a Coach, Mentor, and Trusted Advisor, I serve clients powerfully through Adventure Retreats.  Adventure Retreats are designed, intentional time away from ‘normal life’ where deep work can get done.  

Our initial work will build a growth mindset to set the tone for future growth.  Then we will tackle the idea of an Eleutheria life while looking at the Rhythms, Pivots, and Confidence necessary to build such a life.  

This retreat can launch you to the life you want, but didn’t know was possible. 

What got you to this point, will not help you to Live as you should.  Change has to take place.  Along the way we will uncover the dreams you want to reach for and set goals to achieve them.  We will go on adventures (big or small) that will open you to seeing your world different than you have before. 

The outcomes will be clear, your life will be different; if you’re willing to do the work.

Want a more personal experience? Choose a personalized Adventure Coaching opportunity where we dig deep in sessions as we build to a 1-to-1 retreat experience.

My name is Jason, and I am passionate about retreats. They are more than just training, retreats offer interactive opportunities to learn and grow in real time. 

My name is Jason Rhoads

Helping leaders with insights into growth is my passion.

I love workshops and use inquiry-based coaching to serve you powerfully as you solidify the training you received at the conference you attended. Let this conference set the tone for future learning opportunities for you and the organization you serve.

Contact me by Messenger at the bottom of your screen and we will work together to create a plan for you and your team.

Jason Rhoads

Inner and Outer Work of Leadership

Leadership is more than a position or title.

Leadership looks beyond the ability to make a decision or plan. Being a leader requires awareness of who we are intrinsically, how we present ourselves outward to others, and how we interact with those around us. We must pay attention to how our intentions and choices impact our lives and others.

In this two-day workshop, you will start to ground your life and work by becoming clear on your purpose and values. We will discuss the freedom that comes from living out the four principles of self-leadership. We will explore our penchant for risk and how that can stall or accelerate personal growth. Finally, we will explore a framework for executing your plan for improvement.  

My name is Jason, and as an executive coach and workshop facilitator, my focus is on the whole of a person.  Strategy and goals are important, but so are the relationships and decisionmaking of leadership.

If you do not have the capacity for the full two days, let me know, as each of the four components can stand alone as a half-day workshop.

Leadership Development Roundtable

Self-leadership means pursuing your best self for the benefit of others.

It involves owning your strengths and weaknesses. The truth about being a leader is that small everyday choices impact your life and those you love, lead, and serve.

In the Leadership Development Roundtable (LDR), you will start to ground your life, work, and relationships in the four principles of self-leadership. Along the way, you will experience Kairos moments. Kairos is a Greek word that means – a moment, event, or opportunity when perhaps everything changes. Kairos moments are rarely neutral. These insights will ignite change in you as your mindset shifts. What I believe about high capacity leaders like you is that; mindset shifts everything.

My name is Jason. I’m a coach that has led myself and others well, and at times poorly, for more than 25 years. I have served in both non-profit and for-profit organizations and have success and failures in both. What I have learned is the four principles of self-leadership can lay a strong foundation to live out of and get you where you want to be.

That’s where an LDR comes in.

In a Leadership Development Roundtable, you are in a group of leadership with a desire for growth. Development happens in different ways. The LDR gives you opportunity to show up and put your progress on display for a group that will support, encourage, and challenge you. Each session has a time to Connect, a time of Teaching one of the 4 Principles of Self-leadership, and an Action to take away.

Whether you are a first time leader or have 20+ years leading large organizations, you will be challenged where you are and given the opportunity to develop. The LDR is for anyone wanting their leadership to take another step towards becoming your best self.

How does an LDR work?

1 Signing up

Upon signing up, each cohort member (minimum of 6 people, max of 10) will get instructions for scheduling a one-to-one coaching conversation along with details for joining the sessions.

2 One-to-One Coaching

Each member of the cohort will have a private coaching conversation to jump-start your journey. This powerful conversation will get you primed and ready for what is to come.

3 Cohort Sessions

There are 6 sessions, every other week. Every session will have a Connect, Teach, and Action component to it. Each session will give you space to learn, be challenged, and challenge others.

4 Final Coaching Conversation

We will have a final one-to-one coaching conversation to wrap up your thoughts and challenges as you move forward. This is your launching pad for the work you have done.

Choose your Training Workshops

All trainings are customized to your organizations needs.

No business or team is the same and neither are the professional training workshops. Review the trainings below and contact my by messenger at the bottom of your screen. Together we can create a workshop that works best for your team or organization.

























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