
The Imitation of Success

That’s the problem with goals and success… It’s easy to grab hold of what other successful people are doing and try to imitate them or what they did.

Thoughts, Words, & Actions

Thoughts, words, and actions are in sync with each other for every human, unless you’re a liar and manipulator.

Cultivating the Mind

Self-leadership means pursuing your best self for the benefit of those you love, lead, and serve.

Change What You Can Control

From his perspective, life was happening to him and he had no control over it. He wanted his circumstances to change without him having to change.

Author of Circumstances

It is too easy to place the blame of my situation (past, present, and future) on others. You and me are the causers of our circumstances. We have the capacity for change.

Do your job right

My first ‘real’ job was as a dishwasher. The restaurant was called Dip’n Donuts. I loved that job. Master of my own domain, even if it was the dishwashing station.

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