You are the architect of your life

You are the architect of your future. What you think is what you will do. What you do is who you will become. The question then becomes – What do you want from life?
Ownership of your role with absolute responsibility

If you want to be a stand out leader, rather than a follower that hopes to fly under the radar (while still getting a promotion), then take a shot, swing the bat, place the bet, make the move
Memento Mori, Carpe Diem, YOLO

Most people think, ‘I have all the time I want’. But the truth is life is short and should be lived fully engaged every day.
4 Principles of Self-leadership

He knew for the organization to grow and evolve; he would need to be a different leader… But my friend came out a different person, he actually became like the consultant.
Leadership is not for your benefit

If you cannot lead yourself well, you should not be leading others.
Cultivating the Mind

Self-leadership means pursuing your best self for the benefit of those you love, lead, and serve.
Author of Circumstances

It is too easy to place the blame of my situation (past, present, and future) on others. You and me are the causers of our circumstances. We have the capacity for change.
The Freedom to Choose Daily

I have the power to choose my attitude, my beliefs and make choices for my life. Those are mine to choose.
Change is inevitable

Learning changes who I am, not just what I think.